Friday, August 2, 2013

Stryker Son, DIY and Summer Fun

Well with so much going on in our life right now, I've fallen so far behind on keeping up with my blog and a few other sites.

First: Our son was home for a month, his 30 day leave from Fairbanks to Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Imagine going from -48 degrees to anywhere else except Alaska! We had so much fun with him at home; Griffith Observatory, beach, movies, Buffalo Inn for his farewell.. it was really hard to let him go...again! It's never easy but I couldn't be more proud of this young man! This means I'm no longer a Stryker parent?! I'll need to update that info as well..only thing is I really don't think I want to give up our Facebook Stryker page; I'm so attached to everyone I feel like I need to keep it up, even if Zako is no longer a part of the Stryker Brigade. Hmmmm guess I'll have to really think about that this weekend. His deployment connected me with some pretty awesome parents, spouses, fiances, and grandparents of Stryker soldiers once deployed with him and soldiers recently deployed. I'm sure paths will cross again, Strykers will always be buried deep within my heart and I will actively continue volunteering with USO and Soldiers' Angels to support our troops!

Second: Stress eating! I think I'm now one of the statistics...painfully admitting that, I'm back on Weight Watchers as of yesterday. I'll be digging for some new jump start recipes and smoothies to rid the 10lbs I've gained in the last 4 months! I know I can do it, it's just a bummer that I let myself fall back in to this mode...some may say, I'm crazy for wanting to lose but if you're like me, just under 5' 3" any increase in 4+ is a nightmare. Not exercising, age and stress eating (never did this before) have left me exhausted, depressed and shocked; so I started tracking yesterday, weighed in and now on my way!

Third: DIY projects;) love, love, love! If it wasn't for my home projects, I'd be lost! I just love taking them on...okay, not all by myself. Still depend on the hubster to cut wood for me, just until I can pick up my own circular! Right now I'm working on the bar in the kitchen. Our house is work in progress but I'm loving every moment of it!
 Definitely a lot of work but it's getting there. After applying all the boards on the sides and back, I sanded, stained, let it dry, then sanded it again. Once it's totally completed, I'll add the final protective layer.

Next step is looking for materials for the counter top. Undecided on what type of counter top far I've been fiddling with matching tiles with moulding. Floors are last, so don't judge! 

That's all for now...once I'm caught up with my events and troop information, I'll update again. Make it a good one! 

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God Bless Our Troops

With our troops deployed so far away from home, away from loved one...what are you doing to show your appreciation, gratitude and support? Our country may seem divided especially during elections but when it's time to come together, the PROUD do! Read some of the topics in the blogs below; let it all register and take a moment to say thanks. Any one of the organizations below have many programs for your community to GET INVOLVED, please show your support today! Don't put it off any longer...

the USO

Interested in more blogs on our troops